Friday, March 14, 2008

The Bank Job Review

The Bank Job

March 14,2008

The Bank Job is a movie about... "robbing a bank." You've heard the story, you've seen the movies! So, you may ask yourself "What makes this one different?" The answer: NOTHING! Save your money! It was good, I personally just feel like I've seen this 100 times! Someone double-crosses someone else, etc. etc. Why did I personally have a problem with this movie? I'm a pretty diverse person, however, when I can't understand what the "bloody-wanker" is going on... I don't care to know. When the language is so caught up in itself, it makes it unwatchable. One minute you understand them, the next your asking the person next to you WHAT DID HE SAY?....Then.... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Save your money! 2 out of 5 stars. - Row.

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