Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ultimate Spider-Man #100 - 5 stars

To say that Ultimate Spider-Man #100 is a great comic would be an understatement. To say anything would be...the point is I can't say enough about the issue without giving away the enjoyment of reading one of the best comic I've ever read. The clone saga itself is turning out to be one of the best arcs in the Ultimate run - in fact - in any run.

There's a shocking ending in ever issue of the run so far. It's a literal thrill ride. I'm going on and on. I do have to say that Mark Bagley is doing a fine job of penciling and he's due for another 10 issues (till issue 110).

I was collecting comics back in the late 80s and got out of it in the mid to late 90s when comics became crap. Ultimate Spider-Man is what brought me back to comics. I wish I bought 10 copies of issue #1 of Ultimate Spider-Man when I saw it on the newsstand but I didn't want to waste my cash on another new title of Spider-Man that was going to go to crap (remember Spider-Man in 1991).

I can't wait until the next issue to find out what happens to Mary Jane. I hope this story ends well because I have no idea how spidey's getting out of this one.

5 stars

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