Sunday, June 01, 2008

Indy 4

Indy 4

June 1, 2008

Indy 4 "Blah Crystal Skull." Too many words. So, the first three Indiana Jones were amazing, right? They were somewhat corky, and had a young Harrison Ford. This one has a way older one, and stepped over the "Corky" line... WAY OVER. It wasn't Shia's performance that ruined the movie for me. It wasn't Ford's either. It wasn't the story line, even though the end was a bit "Out of this World." (JOKE! HA!) What ruined it for me? Could it have been the first twenty minutes, when they jump onto a moving vehicle thing, that has 30 seconds to blast off? Could it have been the Atomic Bomb that goes off? Could it have been the set designs that a movie having way too much money could have done so much more? PERHAPS! I honestly felt like Spielberg was trying so hard to please me, to go over the top with the movie that he lost focus of it. . .

3 out of 5 stars EH


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