Sunday, June 01, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

June 1, 2008

From the writer of Superbad, and some other movies.. Comes... a really good movie. Once again, with the predictable? YES... But, it was really good, and that chick from Heroes is in it, so it's all good!

5 out of 5 stars -- Really good actually. I recommend!


What Happens in Vegas

What Happens in Vegas

June 1, 2008

Ashton + Cameron = good times at the movies. What a funny movie that you don't have to think about ... AT ALL... You should go and see "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS," then... ha. It has some funny parts, but if you at all any good at calling what will happen in a movie, then this one you should be able to call from the title alone.

5 out of 5 stars for a fun night out with a movie that involved no thinking! YAY!


Iron Man

Iron Man

June 8, 2008

WOW! What a great movie. Seeing as how I don't really care for the alcoholic, Robert Downey Jr. I have to say, he did a really good job portraying "himself?" HA Seriously though, the graphics, dialogue, everything was in it's place. The studios finally got a really good superhero movie down. A +++++

5 out of 5 stars! YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!


Indy 4

Indy 4

June 1, 2008

Indy 4 "Blah Crystal Skull." Too many words. So, the first three Indiana Jones were amazing, right? They were somewhat corky, and had a young Harrison Ford. This one has a way older one, and stepped over the "Corky" line... WAY OVER. It wasn't Shia's performance that ruined the movie for me. It wasn't Ford's either. It wasn't the story line, even though the end was a bit "Out of this World." (JOKE! HA!) What ruined it for me? Could it have been the first twenty minutes, when they jump onto a moving vehicle thing, that has 30 seconds to blast off? Could it have been the Atomic Bomb that goes off? Could it have been the set designs that a movie having way too much money could have done so much more? PERHAPS! I honestly felt like Spielberg was trying so hard to please me, to go over the top with the movie that he lost focus of it. . .

3 out of 5 stars EH


Baby Mama

Baby Mama

June 1, 2008

When I heard Tina Fey and Amy Poheler were teaming up for this movie, I had to see it. Then after seeing it, I was a little bit disappointed. It had its moments. But, overall, I guess I was just hoping for a "Mean Girls 2." Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I saw it, but it was a droopy-chick-flick. And I love chick-flicks, but when they are boring... Sigh...

3 out of 5 stars


Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian

Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian

June 1, 2008

When the first movie came out I was blown away! If you loved the first one, you are truly going to love this one! It has so much more of a story it's crazy. If anything, you might feel the graphics aren't as impressive, because you've seen it, but the story really does the sequel justice. Everything was dead on about this movie. I won't ruin it, but... My favorite part is when the White Witch makes an appearance, that it was such a good twist to introduce her back! CHECK IT OUT!

5 out of 5 stars


Get Smart

Get Smart

June 1, 2008

So, I got to see the "MTV PRESENTS..." GET SMART, yes, 21 days early! And the best part? Q & A with Steve Carell! He is so funny! Very witty, and just an overall nice guy! So what did I think about the movie? Well, not seeing the T.V. show, I must say it was very good! Hilarious! I would pay to see it again, and when you do get to see it on June 20th, my favorite part is when Anne Hathaway tells Steve, his "servant," to go and get himself a drink... You'll understand what I mean when you see it ;) (Below is my MTV CAMERA MOMENT!, When they go over the crowd, at the arclight, outside, I'm wearing a White/Red stripped shirt, giving two thumbs up!)

5 out of 5 stars!


Sex and the City

Sex and the City
June 1, 2008

Sex. Sex. Sex. . . And the City... Yes, this movie had a lot of sexual content in it. Hence, the "SEX" part. However, not being a fan of the show, and seeing only an episode on TBS (and quickly flipping the channel, no joke), I love the movie! The opening credits alone set the tone for the movie. They tell you everything you need to know, and do it with the help of a new Fergie song, that I really enjoyed. The one drawback to the movie, as I did love it, it was a bit long. Yes, seeing it opening night, at 1 a.m. was not the smartest idea, and we were all really tired, but it definitely needed a re-write! 2.5 hours is a bit too long for a movie, in my opinion. Good Plot/Story, and of course, good characters! Had some amazingly funny parts as well! Which is why I gave it 4/5 stars - If it was 30-60 minutes shorter, I would have given it 5.
