Friday, October 06, 2006


This was my second film that I shot on 16mm. I only had 12 minutes of film and thank god for Brian Shelburne, my lead man on the bench - he made every take count. I even put him in the situation of interacting with live people. When you see him reaching for people, those are not actors. If one or two person interacted with him, that would've ruined the take. I was hoping that people would ignore him and they did.

The transfer from 16mm to VHS tape to DV didn't hold up that well. I still have the 16mm print. The film looks great but I had to transfer it to VHS tape to edit the short. Editing was done on Media 100 (it's comparable to premier).

All in all, it was a fun 4 hour shoot. If all shoots were like that...

Man on Bench: Brian Shelburne
Editing and Music: Scott Villani
Written and Directed by Charlie Cheng

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